The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109070   Message #2278278
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Mar-08 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are we heading for a new dark age?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we heading for a new dark age?
Right, Carol.

Snail - Our societies are NOT ruled by the majority! Anything but. Our societies are ruled by a rich oligarchy who control and manage some phony, corrupt political parties who run periodic elections in which the majority are encouraged to go out and rubber stamp some candidates who have been picked by and funded by the rich oligarchs, and who usually are themselves among the ranks of those rich oligarchs.

To imagine that this is genuine rule by the "majority" of our citizens is utter fantasy. The majority no more rules this society than they ruled the Roman Empire under Caesar.

The majority sits helplessly upon their couches, gawking at their TVs, and goes to the mall and buys what the TV tells them to. The majority gets overweight and bored and awash in consumer goods which cannot provide true happiness. At very rare intervals about half of the majority troop wearily out to the polls to choose between tweedeldee, tweedledum, and tweedledummer...all of whom have been hand picked ahead of time and blathered about constantly in the corporate-controlled media...otherwise almost no one would vote for them.

The only hope for the majority in a system like that is that an honest and capable politician will somehow slip like a Trojan Horse through the corporate net unnoticed by the oligarchs and actually try to change things once in office. It's a slender hope, but it's better than no hope at all, right?

This is not majority rule. It's domination of the majority from cradle to grave by a tiny and very rich minority.