The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109020   Message #2278355
Posted By: PoppaGator
03-Mar-08 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: What's this chord?
Subject: RE: What's this chord?
While I backing up to earlier references int his thread, lemme back up again, even further, to 29 Feb 08 - 03:11 PM , where Don gave us links to a couple of photos: classical guitarist Ida Presti fingering a near-impossible chord well up the neck, as well as a Photoshopped image of a more recent player holding the same shape in an absolutely impossible position, right at the nut in first position.

If John Hurt's 020135 is a "spider chord," the knucklebuster seen in those photos is a freakin' tarantula! Or perhaps "tarantella" would be a more apt description for something that looks to have come from the Spanish guitar tradition.

PS: Another reference to last week's discussions ~ I really appreciated McGrath's reference to that great old joke about the prisoners swapping jokes-by-number. A definite coffee-through-the-nostrils moment!