The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109038   Message #2278606
Posted By: Bobert
03-Mar-08 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Exxon: Drunk Ship Captains Wanted...
Subject: RE: BS: Exxon: Drunk Ship Captains Wanted...
Why should Exxon even care, Barry... If they could move oil in ships with tin foil hulls they would... They don't a rat's ass about anything but linin' their pockets with our hard earned dollars... Nothin' else enters into their minds...

And as for things entering minds (or not), the current batch of Supremes is just like Bush... Stubborn to a fault in letting, ahhhh, anything but their pre-judgements enter into their corporatist little heads...

Alito, Scalia, Thomas and Roberts are the four most prejudiced Supremes Crooks the court, if you can call it a court, that this country has seen in one court going back maybe since the dinosaurs roamed the earth...
