The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109153   Message #2278992
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
04-Mar-08 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: Nic Jones - Analysis of Little Musgrave
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - Analysis of Little Musgrave
Folk process ????

I too am looking forward to Brian Peters' Child CD.
I wonder how 'true' to existing text he'll be on it?
(Are you around BP?)
I'm told he sings an 'extra' verse to (Child 210) 'Bonny George Campbell' for instance.
One written not that long ago, if I understand correctly.
At Alcester mini-fest about two weeks back, in my preamble to that song I happened to mention the 'story' was incomplete (as archived) - where was he going? - what happened? - who did it? etc etc
As I came offstage, a lady was waiting for me, she'd taken the time to write down (for me) an 'extra' verse - said Gordon Tyrall/Brian Peters sang this extra verse that filled in the detail.
Now I'm sure there's a thread on here somewhere (haven't time to trawl for it) where a chap 'fesses up to writing that verse - bless!

Nic, of course, (like many others) sang versions as and how they came to him on the day - having researched, he then edited extensively, re-wrote at will, and sang from (a constantly evolving, and occasionally lapse-prone) memory!

Difficult to know what's-really-what, out there, innit! ;0)
It's a great thing, the tradition, I love it.
- HFA (Duncan McFarlane)