The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109023   Message #2279627
Posted By: Jeri
04-Mar-08 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: In Search of Nic Jones CD
Subject: RE: In Search of Nic Jones CD
Charlotte, Dick has tried to do the right thing to the best of his ability. He asks questions, and he gets nothing but snotty (but otherwise meaningless) answers in return. I know there is quite a bit of ill will, and much of what Bulmer is alleged to have done makes no sense whatsoever.

If an outsider asks what it's all about and gets a dismissive, rude or otherwise unhelpful comment, it looks like nothing more than a feud. If there's more to it than that (and I know there is), surely you can provide some support for your side. Lacking that, it sounds like your main point is that Mr Bulmer is a big stinky poopie-head, and that's why you shouldn't buy CDs from Dick, even if Dick has said he'd pay royalties out of his own pocket.

Any way you cut it, if you want the Mollie Music CDs and live in the UK, it probably makes more sense to get them from Mollie Music.