The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109233   Message #2281173
Posted By: Peace
06-Mar-08 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Thank Heavens We Are Living in Rathgar
Subject: ADD: Thank Heavens, We Are Living in Rathgar
However, then there is this.

PLEASE NOTICE TITLE--and there were no line breaks on the site:

Thank Heavens, We Are Living in Rathgar

Thank Heavens, We are Living n Rathgar'
In these days of Gougers,
Scum, travellers, dictators and masterbaters,
When one never knows whom one is talking to;
When we've Willy picking winners
And plumbers at golf dinners,
It's so difficult to really say who's who.
Even at our rugby dances
One gets the odd scum glances,
And our finer sensibililities are shocked.
Listen lads im not romancing,
If you want lets all go dancing,
But the scum will come and want to kick you up the bum.
So, thank heavens, we are living in Rathgar.
O the solid, quiet refinement of Rathgar,
Where we have are evening dinners,
Where we never hear of sinners,
And even those who can't afford it have a car.
There are some quite decent places i am sure.
O Blackrock is not bad or Terenure.
O we,ve heard of spots like Dalkey,
But really don't know where they are;
For, thank heavens, we are living in Rathgar.
Someone must live in Kilmainham,
So it's hardly fair to blame 'em
And in Darty they are most civilised.
But in Ballymun, goodness gracious,
They havent even got laces;
Although it's worth relating,
these people are really devastating.
So what with cinemas unsightly.
And the Temple Theatre gone twice nightly,
It's no wonder we are proudly forced to sing ......
That, thank heavens, we are living in Rathgar.
O the solid, quiet refinement of Rathgar.
In Finglas they eat ther chips and burgers
so they can grow big and strong and turn into burglers;

But you've never heard of tripe in Grosvenor Square.
O those accents on the northside do quite appall,
But they never get beyond Rathmines Town Hall.
They've so many kids in kimmage
That they say life's life's just a scrummage.....
(oh I'm knackered - I'm going to Bucks to have some rose..)
So thank heavens, we are living in Rathgar.
