The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109023   Message #2281614
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
06-Mar-08 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: In Search of Nic Jones CD
Subject: RE: In Search of Nic Jones CD
Dick Greenhaus is not (unless I have a wholly outdated and distorted view of what what actually goes on in Harrogate) the piggy- bank holder/finance director or whatever you want to call it with responsibility for paying a licence fee to the MCPS as CM ought by law to be doing to cover their clandestine CD production runs.

What he does is run a retail music shop/record stall or possibly sells CDs out of his car boot in the US. It may be a jolly fine gesture to boast a willingness to shell out the missing royalties but this goes nowhere in "legitimising" CM's business practice.

What the artists want is for their work to be made available in an above-board and equitable manner and the way for this to be achieved is for Mr Bulmer to just do the deal and sell back the rights.