The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109023   Message #2281648
Posted By: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice
06-Mar-08 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: In Search of Nic Jones CD
Subject: RE: In Search of Nic Jones CD
"Charlotte, you're a bit late to all of this.

Subject: RE: Celtic Music Dave Bulmer (6)
From: dick greenhaus - PM
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 09:40 AM

The aforementioned Nic Jones titles on the Leader label are available from CAMSCO. If anyone has any reasonably firm evidence that royalties are not being paid (assuming that original contracts provided for such royalties), please let me know"

I'm not convinced at all, because as Diane has quite correctly stated Mr. Greenhaus'"jolly fine gesture (I only call friends by their first names)to boast a willingness to shell out the missing royalties and his apparent concern for, in this case Nic Jones, goes nowhere in "legitimising" CM's business practice. I firmly believe that Nic and the others I listed a few posts back would love to have the rights for their work(s) returned/sold back to them. Can Mr. Greehaus facilitate this? I think not. So until this occurs, as I said, please forgive my cynicism.

Charlotte (the view from ma and Pa's piano stool