The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2282263
Posted By: GUEST,mg
07-Mar-08 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
For the record, I would enjoy seeing a woman president, not this particular one it goes without saying, but I think it is at least 100 times more important to have an African American president. And since most women were married, happily or unhappily in many cases, there was a man in more or less the same sitaution as every woman who had a very difficult struggle in life. So not to minimize the lot of women, who had it very tough..but so did men..going in the coal mines, riding the ranges for months on end etc. I wish he wouldn't go around insulitng Iraquis and threatening Pakistan..the man is not in any way perfect internationally although he could do an enormous amount of good in terms of diplomacy, designing systems for improving istuations etc...but anyway, I hope and hope he wins the nomination and I probably hope that he wins the presidency although he makes me very nervous outside the borders of this country...

He has a hard row to hoe going against the_______but hopefully others will take it upon themselves to point out her various fatal