The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109271   Message #2282470
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-Mar-08 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Subject: Irish Songbook Index
We really should have an index for Irish songbooks in our indexing project. So many Irish songbooks are small collections that aren't indexed anywhere (sometimes, not even in the books themselves).
This page might help us get a start.
The idea of this project is to help people know what is available in the songbooks in our libraries. If you have a songbook that hasn't been indexed here, please post a scan/OCR of the index. Page numbers and first lines are nice, but not necessary. Don't worry about fancy formatting - it's my job to make it look sexy.

To search for a song on this page, use the "find" command on your browser [CTRL-F]. If it's listed in one of these songbooks, post a request for the song in this thread, and watch this thread for an answer. The songbook owner will post the lyrics in another thread, and somebody will post a link here to lead you to it. Once your song has been posted, please post a word of thanks so we'll know for sure you got it.

How to use Songbook Indexes

Use [CTRL-F] to find the song you want, and then post a request for the song at the bottom of the thread. We'll contact the songbook owner and obtain the lyrics, and we'll post an answer or a link in your request message.