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Thread #108635   Message #2282635
Posted By: catspaw49
07-Mar-08 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
Well..............You ain't gonna' like this but................

Herniated discs come in several types and affect the spine in different ways no matter where they are located...cervical, thoracic, or lumbar. The disc is a cushion that separates the vertebra and allow them to bend and move with some freedom. The disc itself has a reasonably firm "shell" and a softer interior. As we age the material gets harder......shame it ain't your.......uh, sorry........Anyway, "herniated" means ruptured or broken. Too often we call this a slipped disc. It isn't. Discs don't slip. Period. The end. Complete horseshit. You can't stick them back into place.

Every vertebra has notches in it that match with another notch in the discs above and below forming a hole for the nerve to pass through as it exits the spinal cord.   Where these nerves go determine much of where the pain is. For instance in what is commonly referred to as "sciatica" the nerve at the bottom of the last Lumbar vertebra becomes inflamed as the disc material pushes on it OR the vertebra themselves are too close and the nerve opening (intervertebral foramen) is too small. The inflamed nerve causes pain in the back itself and often continues for the length and branching of the nerve. In the case of the sciatic nerve the pain is in the lower back and will extend down through the buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and clear to the foot.

The same thing happens wherever this occurs in the spinal column and the nerve affected can be only minimally aggravating or completely debillitating. It simply depends on how the disc is herniated and how badly. Many people can use the treatments of heat and cold as you have in conjunction with both rest and proper exercises to get past an acute attack. In some cases, anti-inflammatory meds are used and these are both the non-steroidal type such as Naprosyn or even Aspirin and the steroidal type which help in an even stronger way by binding with cortisol receptors. NONE OF THESE and no amount of manipulation will "cure" the problem. However if the hernaition is not severe and the acute phase can be managed through one or more of the above methods you will just need to be careful in the future, do the exercises, and jump on the drugs at the first sign of trouble.

On the other hand, the problem will still be there and may become worse as you go along. No legitimate orthopede will do surgery if it isn't warranted and that's why all the tests. Many of them will try various drug and exercise combinations and even refer you to pain clinics. But if it comes to the point where nothing helps...............................

Bobertz I know you know what a "Midget" is.   In '75 I had a bad crash and my lower back took a bad hit. As I aged I also developed a form of arthritis common to many that is not age dependent. Its called degenerative disc disease and that combined with the effect of the injury started creating problems. In my mid 30's I would have periods where I would be "out of action" for a week or longer. Most times I would "tough it out" like a dumbass and I took NSAIDs like candy, also like a dumbass. This meant that I hurt for months on end but I was somewhat able to do things. I'd have a month or two of "almost normal," then another attack. I was teaching Auto-Tech at a Vo-Tech when I was 40 and my back had become so bad that I could put no pressure on my legs at all. The lower back itself hurt so damn bad it was unbelievable.    As the school year ended I was unable to walk and EVERY position was pain filled, even laying down except in ridiculous positions. For a month I laid on a day bed and crawled back and forth to the bathroom.   The Ortho said I would need surgery and laid out the possible side effects which aren't all that appealing. But they ARE just POSSIBLE side effects and for me the question was simple. Can I live in this pain the rest of my life or not. I couldn't. I was at the point I was ready to kill to GET the surgery!

I came out of surgery with no problems and Karen will tell you that my worst time was the day after when they had promised to help me up out of bed. I was a mean bastard all day as I couldn't wait to see if the pain had really gone. I stood up to my full height for the first time in months and the pain was gone! I will never forget that feeling. I had three done--L4-L5-S1

I know other people who have had longer recoveries or been left with some problems like numbness. A friend of mine had a similar procedure as you are looking at and was amazed at how quickly he recovered. Another friend still has numbness almost 20 years later. Both would do it again as would I. I have had no problems since but when I think about the year I spent pre-op, it a gawdamn nightmare Man.........

For years I had tried all manner of manipulations and treatments from chiropractic to herbalists to hynotism to accupunture and none of it worked. If you understand how the back functions and what the discs do, you can see why. The problem is never truly repaired and IF it continues to worsen, only the surgical option will work. And btw, there are times they CAN'T do surgery.

So here's my message to you.........If you want to research something, find the best ortho you can in your area or even in the next large city. One of the keys to getting through ANY surgery (and I've had way too damn many) is to have confidence in the Cutter. When you are comfortable with the Doc and he says you need surgery, remember your other option which is live in pain. If your problem has become as bad as you are describing it, you probably DO need surgery. See what the MRI looks like but if you need surgery, DO IT. Or decide you can live with the pain for the rest of your life and have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. I'll send my best thoughts and everyone else will as well but you're gonna' be in pain if its as bad as you say.

Damn but I feel good! Sorry 'bout you...............

Spaw-----passing on my best wishes, thoughts and TOUGH LOVE.