The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109309   Message #2284283
Posted By: redsnapper
10-Mar-08 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: Qualified To Be a Folkie?
Based on a long observation of Mudcatters...

What sort of Folk Music should a real folkie listen to? What is folk? (, please do not answer this)
What sort of, so called, Folk Music should a real folkie not listen to? Ani DiFranco
What does a real folkie drink? Strong ale or strong scrumpy (depending on orientation but not a G&T or sweet sherry at any rate)
What sort of car would a folkie drive, if any? His or her partner's (if said partner is not a real folkie as well...)
What sort of house would a folkie live in? An exceedingly untidy one
Do real folkies need to be computer and internet experts? Yes... in order to debate what folk is, what the folk process is, whether the folk process is dead, etc. (ad infinitum)
Folkie Dress Code? A suitable collection of out-of-date and ill-fitting, yet practical garments
Political leaning? Strongly to the left or strongly to the right (or both simultaneously... lurk in the centre is not permittted)
Sexual Orientation? (Bluegrass fans can ignore this one) Yes please
Formal Educational Qualifications? Nowadays... a least a Batchelor' degree (... higher with specialisation is preferable to participate in the "What is Folk?", etc. debates)
What hobbies do real folkies have? Drinking, sex, debating "What is Folk?", Pagan interests
What is the ideal form of employment for a folkie? Librarian, teacher, archaeologist, herb grower, university professor
Should folkies be Morris Dancers? If it keeps them off debating "What is...?" etc., why not
Married or single? Separated or divorced
Could a folkie ever be considered a real folkie without a tankard? A tankard would be compulsory for real folkies of a English singing bent, together with the regulation battered hat and small book with even smaller writing (otherwise optional)