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Thread #109316   Message #2284367
Posted By: Donuel
10-Mar-08 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: My mind has been changed
Subject: BS: My mind has been changed
If I were to say that I changed my mind it would be an egotistical way to say somewhat the same thing.

For decades I have pondered on a weekly basis what it was that I saw at 23 Strathallen Park in Rochester NY in 1981. I saw 2 globes of nebulous light pass unchanged through brick walls. For years I tried to understand this unusual and vere again seen phenomenon as some kind of other dimensional incursion into 3D space.

I now believe I was far afield and flat out wrong.

I now think I saw an electrical phenomenon. I first ruled out ball lightening because I put my finger right up next to the coronal glowing discharge of one of the light globes and recieved no electric shock. I was however full of adrenaline but I did not feel an electric spark. Why it did not interact or discharge on the walls or my hand is still not known to me so I am still filled with wonder.

Yet I have given over to an electric universe model.

Why does any of this matter to me? It lies at the heart of my personal understanding of our sun, our solar system and Cosmology itself, the queen of all science.

It seems we are not only in a universe of matter and gravity. We are not merely in an electric energy universe. We are both.

Two great minds that have explained our universe have done so to the complete exclusion of one another's ideas.
First it is Einstein who's relativistic models of light, energy and mass and to a lesser extent gravity, reshaped our Newtonian uexplanation of the Universe.
Then there was Tesla who could not even mathmaticaly explain his idea of his electric universe but did work in plasma physics.

If Einstein had taken the electrical nature of the universe and Tesla had more relativistic ideas, we would probably have a clearer picture of what our universe is and why it behaves as it does.

For example we would not be surprised that the universe is accelerating in its expanison. A partical will accelerate in a charged field.
The filament nature of matter and energy in the universe would be seen as electic fields and black holes as substations of electirc transmission.

Even our idea that the Sun is soley a thermonuclear reaction is wrong.
If we embraced an electrical model the sun would not be so mysterious as to why the corona is 2 million degrees hot but its surface is only 6,000. Why the sunspots are dark and relatively cool instead of being hot as we peer into the fusion furnace below. In the new atomic age on our planet we assumed the sun consumed itself in a constant fusion reaction.
In an electric model, the sun is merely a focal point of electrical energy. Continuous fusion reactions have never been been done on Earth but the plasma.

Comets glow due to electric discharge and not ice turning to water and then relfected in sunlight.

Einstein wasn't satisfied with his explanation that matter somehow curved space and created gravity.
Even today we try to envision dark matter as the missing link to explain why galaxies and wpin so uniformally without enough gravity to make them spin so perfectly.

To be overly simplistic.
Dark matter and "white matter" are like Xmas tree lights.
Dark matter is the wire and visible matter are the stars and glowing plasma disharges.

Maybe it seems I was stupid for disregarding my suspicion that those globes of light I saw in my house were not electric in nature,

but it also seems stupid that it has taken so long to accept the electric nature of our sun, the filamentary lines of force of electric plasma energy that resembles all nebula and galaxy formations, the glow of comets etc.

The electric explanations of our own sun obey Occama's Razor more simply/eloquently and rationally than the lone gravitational thermonuclear dynamic theories of our sun's behavior.

Once again I am saying it takes both understandings and not one or another to understand the energy of the universe and our use of that energy. The sun will eventually consume itself but by the fusion model alone there is no way it could burn as long as it will.

In our sun's case, size matters. If it were 100 times larger, gravity would promote much more runaway fusion reactions that would consume itself far more rapidly than the sun.

(((follow the force Luke)))

Its time to accept invisible lines of force. Afterall its only electricity.