The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109309   Message #2284802
Posted By: Tootler
10-Mar-08 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: Qualified To Be a Folkie?
Subject: RE: Qualified To Be a Folkie?
What sort of Folk Music should a real folkie listen to? Anything sung by a 93 year old raised in THE tradition
What sort of, so called, Folk Music should a real folkie not listen to? Anything sung(???) by a snicker snogwriter
What does a real folkie drink? Real Ale or Scrumpy -though I see a lot of Magners being drunk these days - is this the drink for the bright young folkies?
What sort of car would a folkie drive, if any? A campervan
What sort of house would a folkie live in? A campervan
Do real folkies need to be computer and internet experts? Yes so they can look up the words on the DT and get the tune from JC's abc tunefinder.
Folkie Dress Code? Anything that's not been washed for at least a month
Political leaning? about 30�
Sexual Orientation? (Bluegrass fans can ignore this one) Weekend or full week version?
Formal Educational Qualifications? Duh!
What hobbies do real folkies have? Drinking real ale, spending the summer visiting folk festivals, playing the fiddle - badly
What is the ideal form of employment for a folkie? Anything as long as it gives you the summer off to visit folk festivals.
Should folkies be Morris Dancers? Only if you can do it badly.
Married or single? Yes if it's to another folkie
Could a folkie ever be considered a real folkie without a tankard? Yes. but only when the 29th of February is a full moon.