The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109316   Message #2285484
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Mar-08 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: My mind has been changed
Subject: RE: BS: My mind has been changed
Clearly. It is attempting to move toward equilibrium when it gives off energy.

Here's a proposition for you. I think that without some form of active intelligence in a system to periodically provide a new impetus for change (seen in the movement of energy) you would quite quickly have the whole system reach a state of absolute equilibrium as everthing balanced itself out. It would all then become motionless. Still. No more movements.

Therefore, I think that it is a form of active intelligence that is continually keeping everything moving in the Universe! And I mean right down to the atomic levels. If not for that active intelligence initiating continual evolution, movement, and change, the whole Universe would have reached stasis a long time ago, and would effectively be dead.

And I can just imagine the frenzied response that will draw from some quarters... ;-)