The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109348   Message #2285500
Posted By: Big Mick
11-Mar-08 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Advice on set list
Subject: RE: Advice on set list
First, read Pete Peterson's (Hi Pete, long time no see!!!) post about three times for comprehension. Unless your banjo player has a couple on stage in different keys, this is a pain when trying to keep a stage show moving along.

Second, I will relate one from just this past weekend. This has to do with tempo and key. We were doing a request for "Orange and the Green", and then moved onto "Fenian Record Player" (yep, it's that time of year again). I have sung these songs ad nauseum, but when I went to do the Fenian Record Player, no matter what I did, I couldn't get the tune of Orange and the Green out of my head. I turned it into a humorous bit, but it was very disconcerting. I must be getting old......***chuckle***. It is important not to have songs/tunes that are very similar right next to each other. In all these years, that is the first time it happened but I have heard many stories from others like this.

All the best,
