The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81196   Message #2285609
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Mar-08 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gordon prat!
Subject: RE: BS: Gordon prat!
I wonder....if all the old people and vegetarians and other types of people who don't meet Gordon Ramsay's standards of perfection were exterminated...would he then be happy?

My guess is, "no". I bet he'd find someone else to look down on right quick.

I bet that getting old will come as a real shock to him. ;-) Goodness knows, it has been a bit of a shock to me and most of my contemporaries, I can tell you. Everyone feels about 25 inside their mind for their whole life, I think, but their body does not cooperate with that notion. We are youngsters trapped in aging bodies, and not entirely pleased about the matter. This will also happen to Gordon Ramsay unless, as you say, something else happens to him first.

I remember some foolish lad I knew in my 20's who was always making fun of the "old farts" in the neighborhood, as he called them. He IS one now. Poetic justice, ain't it?