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Thread #109371   Message #2285940
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
11-Mar-08 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
No it doesn't Amos. But he hasn't won a single big state. Sure he is taking small states, especially those with large, conservative African American communities. And I do mean conservative. These folks don't support a lot of things on the Democratic party platform. They are some of the most religious & social values conservatives in the party.

But he can't win Detroit, NY, LA, etc. And if he can't carry a single one of those states beyond his home state of IL, the party elite will be extremely cautious about handing him the baton, I assure you.

And don't kid yourself--if he loses PA & decides to take it to the convention, it will be the party elite calling the shots, nobody else.