The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109371   Message #2285996
Posted By: GUEST,JTS
12-Mar-08 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
I am so sick of that nonsense about Hillary being able to win the big states.
Hillary is TYING the big states.
Hillary is TYING in the big states.
Hillary is squeaking out tiny victories in popular vote and Obama is matching her on delegates. Supposedly Hillary had a huge victory last weak. Obama just made up all of the delegates he lost in that defeat in tiny Wyoming and Mississippi.

In a fair process, She has been all but mathematically eliminated. So now she is clinging to hope and working every angle to make the process unfair.

The media is throwing away any sense of reality in this race because they are trying to keep it close. The big news out of Texas and Ohio was not that she won the primaries. The real news was that she ONLY won 10 delegates. Republicans voted for her in the primaries in Texas, and Ohio in order to prolong the race. I know a guy in Dallas who considered just that. Why do you think Hillary won among rural rednecks? Not exactly her base. I don't guess she can count on those votes in the general election eh?

Here is what a strategic Democratic voter needs to think about. In 2000, Gore would have won with one southern state. He wouldn't have needed Florida. With young voters and African Americans supporting him in droves, with the Bush "values" voters unenthusiastic about McCain, Obama has a good chance to win Southern States. Based on primary results He may even take a western Red State or two.

Hillary will be saying the same old thing in the same old red and purple states. Can she beat McCain on defense? He could use the same ad on her that she used on Obama.

If Hillary wins this nomination she will have to do something shady to do so.
A lot of people who want change are looking at this campaign and seeing Bill and Hillary using the same tactics as Karl and George. To me it looks like more of the same.
Looking at their respective records the best candidates to vote for if we really want change would be Obama, McCain and Mrs. Clinton in that order.

Yes I do think the Democrats can lose the election. Michigan and Florida are also a wound Mrs. Clinton is cheerfully picking at. It is obvious she care nothing about the party except as a vehicle to get her elected. I don't think that the Republican Party can do anything to win the election. This is not 1968, and the "Surge" is not having any long term effect other than bringing the Army and Marines closer to the breaking point. I heard on Countdown that 78,000 may now be casualties due to hearing loss.

But Republican voters can help their chances by continuing to vote for Hillary to make it close enough so that her scheming tears the Democrats apart.