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Thread #109371   Message #2286576
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
12-Mar-08 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Amos, if you are a Democrat why in god's name are you so clueless as to what the Democratic party rules are for a brokered convention?

It is going to be a brokered convention, like it or not.


Neither candidate has enough delegates to win outright.

The superdelegates WILL decide it, and some of their rationale will be what is best for the party. But for the most part, the superdelegates will decide who is the best candidate to go forward against their Republican opponent in November.

That decision will be made based upon who won what.

A large part of that what will include who won the states that Dems can count on, who won the states that could go either way but are a must have for Dems to win in November.

At the bottom of the list will be states the Republicans are expected to carry, regardless of who Democratic nominee is.

That's how they do it. Will there be a floor fight? If one or the other candidate doesn't drop out, yes.

What will the floor fight be about?

It will be about whether to seat the delegates from Florida or Michigan, or how the votes from those states will be factored in.

Will there be a backroom deal to choose the next Democratic presidential candidate. If neither of them withdraws, yes.

End of story.