The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109371   Message #2286598
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
12-Mar-08 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Guest, guest, you seem to be buying Mrs. Clinton's alternate to reality hook line and sinker.

Obama is leading in primary delegates, in caucus delegates, in popular vote and most importantly in pledged delegates. His lead in democratically elected, pledged delegates is all but mathematically insurmountable. Mrs. Clinton cannot win without a miracle or without pulling a fast one.

Mrs. Clinton squeaking out a victory over Obama in Ohio is not an indicator of how either would do against McCain. The primary election was fought over NAFTA. McCain totally supports NAFTA. There will be a completely different dynamic in the general election. If she ahd won real victories in Texas and Ohio, she would have come away with more than 11 delegates. The Democrats have had record turnouts in virtually every primary contest. The super delegates need to look at that and harness it for the general campaign.

If there is a "brokered deal" at the convention that overturns the wishes of the majority of voters and especially if it disenfranchises all of those young voters and African American voters who have turned out in droved for Obama, then the general election is going to come down to McCain and Mrs. Clinton duking it out in purple states over who can garner the most votes from middle aged and old white women.