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Thread #109371   Message #2286693
Posted By: GUEST,Voice Of Truth
12-Mar-08 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Once again I stand by my assetion that Obama will lose the election for the Democrats if he receives the nomination- which is not yet determined, so Hillary bashers may not want to lick their chops just yet.

I fear that the Democrats will consider their losing streak ad infinitum in Presidential elections for two main reasons:

The Democratic Party is just in a shambles. They don't know how to win; often seems as if they don't care anymore. When you watch the process of the Republicans picking their candidate, you get a feeling that they are TALKING to each other..and they are talking about how to get ELECTED. The Democrats seem to consistently pick and back weak candidates, like Obama, who as another poster said, may be a good candidate in 8 years but not now- Demcrats exhibit a great lack of wisdom and cohesion when it comes to trying to have any success at
winning this national office.   After 40 years of being the underdog in National Elections, it seems the spirit, and even the true character, of the Democratic Party is on the wane, if not totally beaten. One wonders if it will even survive or be replaced by a one party system; or perhaps a two party system of Republicans and an even further to the right alternative party.

2. The Republicans and right wing seems to have taken a choke hold on this nation. Some of it is dirty tricks, fixing elections and forcing Dems out of office for the same (or lesser) offenses that their own politicos indulge in. The media also seems to be at the command of the right wing; once the ideas of JFK and FDR, even Jimmy Carter, seemed to have resonance in this nation- an American dream that INCLUDED the poor, the disenfranchised, the vulnerable, a country that, like the Statue of Libery, was willing to embrace and support many different types of people. Now the "Greed is Good" mentality that festered during the Nixon and Reagan years seems to have become a new, albiet grotesque Bible of how to run a country. Not only are the ideas of former great Democratic statesmen considered a liberal anethema to the general media and populace, at this point even the thoughts of an man like Eisehower (who was aghast at the disgraceful treatment of Native Americans, and warned about the power of military industrial complex) would sound like a left wing stark raving socialist to the people who control the airwaves.

Perhaps someday the better instincts of this nation will resound again, but I fear it is not in this election. And I suspect, not even in our lifetimes.