The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109309   Message #2287060
Posted By: Bert
12-Mar-08 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: Qualified To Be a Folkie?
Subject: RE: Qualified To Be a Folkie?
What sort of Folk Music should a real folkie listen to? Stuff they heard before 1960.
What sort of, so called, Folk Music should a real folkie not listen to? Opera, with the possible exception of Gilbert and Sullivan.
What does a real folkie drink? Real ale, Guinness or cider or gin on the rocks. Not to everyones taste but I've even seen folkies with bottled water.
What sort of car would a folkie drive, if any? A minivan.
What sort of house would a folkie live in? A house with a front porch, unless you live in Phoenixville Pa.
Do real folkies need to be computer and internet experts? Yes.
Folkie Dress Code? Jeans, Mudcat Tee shirt, sneakers.
Political leaning? Either very left or so far right that you've met the left 'round the other side.
Sexual Orientation? (Bluegrass fans can ignore this one)Bi.
Formal Educational Qualifications?None required.
What hobbies do real folkies have?Posting on Mudcat, anything artsy fartsy.
What is the ideal form of employment for a folkie? Busker.
Should folkies be Morris Dancers?Of course.
Married or single?Yes.
Could a folkie ever be considered a real folkie without a tankard? Yes, one serves Guin.ess in a glass.