The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109286   Message #2287284
Posted By: Richard Bridge
13-Mar-08 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: The last days of Thatcher
Subject: RE: BS: The last days of Thatcher
Oh wannabee dictator - re-read what you said. She stole from the poor to give to the rich. Even in your own words it is clear. If you don't remember the conservatives actually canvassing in a tank you were not watching.

The problems we now have all stem from the fact that our "Labour" government has not got the balls to undo all of what that gouging bitch did.

As far as local taxation is concerned, it should be based on the principle of movement from those who can afford to those who need. Therefore a simple diversion of income tax and other revenue and gains taxes would be appropriate. VAT should also be removed and replaced by revenue taxes. Anyone living here should pay revenue and gains taxes, and those who live here part of the time should pay our taxes on UK income and a proportion (time apportioned) of their worldwide income subject to treaty double-tax relief.

The prime reason IMHO for current crime levels is that that woman destroyed any idea of social cohesion and replaced it with Gordon Gecko grabbing. We see those who gamble currencies, destroy businesses, using borrowed money and produce nothing of use live like lords and claim to be above the law - "tax me and I'll go away". No wonder there is a substratum who feel that nothing legitimate they do can save them. Eventually the worm turns.

If we don't get society back (remember the "there is no such thing as society" soundbite) then sooner or later, dear dictator, you will get the Molotov cocktails you so richly deserve.   It would be really, really nice if that woman, crippled with arthritis and in pain with the abscesses that her hospital reforms condemned so many others to, watching out of her asylum window, could see the flames start to rise, and know that it was all the testament to her genesis.

I know some who should be in there with her.

It won't be immigration that gives us rivers of blood. It will be exploitation.

And people like you should go up against the wall.