The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109371   Message #2287455
Posted By: Amos
13-Mar-08 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
FEar and hate go hand in hand. The politics of fear-mongering are ancient in our history, and they work to the shame of thinking humans. Because for fear mongering to work, all that is needed is for individuals to succumb to it, giving up their powers of reasons, differentiation, their ability to see clearly, their power over data, and give in to the low-grade, low-quality emotionalism. The consequence of buying fear from those who sell it are the placing of self into bondage; there is no-one who is as throoughly enslaved as the person who is chained up by fear. Craven slavery is much more common than often noticed, because it is acheived by the hypnotic drumming of PR machines and terrifying generalizations about how dangerous the world is. This is very economical; you do not have to buy chains and whips to enslave people using fear, because, once you strike the right buttons, the individuals provide their own chains, and include woeful, willing subordination and compliance into the package.

Here;s what we really have to fear, and it is only two things: fear-mongers and fear itself. The invitation to hate is also an invitation to fear. We would do well to decline both.

These bonds are much easier to fight back against than swords and chains. You can drop your sculls, and walk out of the galley-hold, anytime. The masters of your fear are phantoms, and like all phantoms, they will vanish when you say boo to them.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.