The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108073   Message #2288071
Posted By: gnu
14-Mar-08 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2008
Right. SINS and Sev and Bat Goddess have updated us fairly recently.

I am doing very well. The nerves are awakening/regenerating nicely. I can raise my eyebrow almost half of normal and I can shut my eye tight enough to stop using "No Tears" baby shampoo. I seldom have pain in my cheek and I am getting better at shaving with a razor (that's a VERY good thing). My lips work pretty good and I mostly only slur my speech for a while in the morning if I sleep on my left side. Still can't spit worth a darn but I'll learn to live with that.

Now... updates are required from Mudguard, Skarpi, Bill D, who else?