The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109427   Message #2288088
Posted By: redsnapper
14-Mar-08 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: Björk said free Tibet and the china ....
Subject: RE: Björk said free Tibet and the china ....
So what are your specs, redsnapper? Your type of music, your age? That makes a big difference in who people are paying attention to, and if they haven't heard of her it doesn't diminish in any way their credibility as musicians.

Bjork has been in the mainstream public eye for 20 years and was recording at least 10 years before that. She is generally acknowledged as having a very unique voice and style, whether one likes her music or not. She was also the lead in the major Lars Von Trier film Dancer in the Dark, discussed at length here at Mudcat, and was active in raising a large amount of money for tsunami relief. She has also been the subject of a number of other threads on Mudcat over the years as Katlaughing said.

So therefore I do find it surprising people, particularly musicians, have not heard of her. By the way I am in my late fifties and play blues and Irish/Scottish traditional music, so Bjork is not exactly my genre but I do try to keep my eyes, ears and mind open.