The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109371   Message #2288149
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
14-Mar-08 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
I'm far to left of the so-called liberals around here beardedbruce, and I couldn't agree with you more.

The hatred they spout at the people who disagree with them is quite astonishing. The only thing more astonishing than their hate filled posts, is the fact that they are so unaware of their own behavior.

Amos often engages in the same hate filled speech Bobert does, but uses more gentlemanly English to do it. And katlaughing is the most manipulative, un-self-aware person in Mudcat, IMO. Maybe it is that New Age manipulativeness that is so vicious. It is very passive aggressive.

These people figure that it is all just fine to demonize the Republicans, regardless of who the Republican is, what their positions are, etc. The have nearly as much contempt for people who don't affiliate and identify themselves with either of the 2 parties in the US. Clearly, these are people that in 3D life have some control issues.

And they are really, really intolerant of any views and opinions that don't agree with their own.

And that most certainly is NOT the 'enlightened high road' they claim to be taking, because they support a candidate who claims to be doing the same, while doing something quite different. Perhaps that is why they find it so easy to identify with Obama?

Machiavellian is as Machiavellian does, so to speak.