The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109427   Message #2288306
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
14-Mar-08 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: Björk said free Tibet and the china ....
Subject: RE: Björk said free Tibet and the china ....
Only people with a high profile can ever get the chance to make any statement before a mass audience in China. This pretty well limits it to politicians, entertainers, and athletes. Politicians lack the guts so that leaves entertainers and athletes. God bless Bjork for making a stand against China's treatment of it's people. The Olympics will provide a stage where athletes will hopefully defy both their own and the Chinese governments to make many similar statements. Live worldwide TV coverage should provide a venue that defeats censorship. If the Chinese attempt to censor the broadcasts it will only prove to world how these bastards operate. We should all stand for a better world but these days the international business conglomerates are kissing China's arse. We should not stand for that!