The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109427   Message #2288309
Posted By: irishenglish
14-Mar-08 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Björk said free Tibet and the china ....
Subject: RE: Björk said free Tibet and the china ....
I will doubt because you can't prove that assertion. She wasn't supposed to perform that song anyway, as previously mentioned. As to the money, yes of course she was paid to perform in China. If she has any type of conscience, I'm sure she wrestled with the question of should she perform there or not, just like all the other western artists who have played there. I think its a little unfair to say simply that Bjork and others performed in China merely for the money. Charlotte, yes you are not the only performer not to mix politics with music. SOme do and it comes across weak because they don't truly understand the politics of what they are talking about. Some do it successfully because they do understand. Some make their "political" point of view by merely performing at an event, or in a place like China. Maybe she wanted to perform that song and say Tibet no matter what the Chinese authorities told her. I don't know, because I'm not in her head.