The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109410   Message #2288347
Posted By: Bryn Pugh
14-Mar-08 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
At risk of thread creep, and Mama being American :

A Briton inquired how he might become an Alaskan. He was informed that he had to drink a quart of moonshine rye whisky, wrestle a bear and fuck an Inuit woman.

The quart of whisky went down, and our Briton was directed to the bear cave.

(Cue sounds of growling, yelling, tearing noises . . . )

Our Briton stggers out of the cave, blood and snot everywhere and inquired

"Where is that Inuit woman I have to wrestle ?"

I'll get me parka . . .