The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109371   Message #2288430
Posted By: Amos
14-Mar-08 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
Subject: RE: BS: Dems: Can they snatch defeat from ...
fight when our interests are threatened.


Our interests are threatened by low-cost labor in India, by pollution being generated in China, by better manufacturing in Japan, and by our own media who distort and pollute our intellectual environment and promulgate reactive, non-analytical thinking and pushbutton emotions in the publics they are supposed to serve with reliable information.

Our interests are threatened by special interests who put their own coffers above the national good in every discussion, and their profits above the good of their customers.

Our interests are threatened by cocaine peddlers and teachers who will not consult the understanding of their students.

None of these call for military solutions, do they? So, exactly what threats to our interests should be met with precipitate armed violence, or the rattling of sabers?