The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77817   Message #2290167
Posted By: Azizi
16-Mar-08 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: What did Jesus look like?
Subject: RE: BS: What did Jesus look like?
With regard to GUEST,FUNNY's comment of 07 Sep 06 - 02:16 PM {which I've just read}, the fact that that poster may or may not be funny {as in "ha ha" funny} or the fact that that poster writes in caps, does not negate the point that he or she made.

While I vehemently "reject and denouce" Guest Funny's use of the word racially offensive referent "Whitey", and his {or her} lumping all White people together as promoters of a White supremacy agenda, I believe that Funny's larger point may be valid.

Although I've no documentation to prove or disprove it, I've read that some Biblical scholars or some church congregations changed the Biblical verse which described Jesus' hair as being like lamb's wool to a translation that refers to Jesus' hair being the color of lamb's wool. If this was indeed done, the reason for this change in translation seems clear to me-hair like lamb's wool also can be a description of the hair texture of many people of African descent.
And those pastors/theologians-who may have had some overt or covert racism they had not acknowledged {or maybe they knew they were racist and that was a-okay with them}, wanted to remove that particular lamb's wool Biblical reference and any other Biblical reference that might confirm Jesus' physical appearance as being the same as or similar to the phsyical appearance of a Black or a Brown person.

Again, though I don't agree with the way Funny made his point, he did make a possible valid point.


just remember opinoins r like a butt hole we all have one.i respect yours if u respect mine ,fine now let go have a beer an talk about something else
-bones 15 Mar 08 - 12:39 PM]

Guest Bones, that's an interesting way of saying "different strokes for different folks" or "YMMV"-Your mileage may vary" and even if it does, people may or may not still be able to get along {with each other}, but they should at least try.

I say Amen! and I "second that emotion".

I hope that you continue expressing yourself on Mudcat. Or maybe you are doing so but I've just not recognized the name.

Be that as it may, let me say to you Bones, "Write On!"
