The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108635   Message #2291177
Posted By: Bobert
17-Mar-08 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
As fir a medical update: Health care in the US of A is great as long as you are super rich... Unfortunately, that ain't me...

The MRI came back in record time (6 days) and it says that I have some degenative stuff that probablu 25% of folks my age also have... No herniated discs...

So I ask the nurse who has called to report that what I do next to find where the pain and tingling ios coming from and she said, "Ahhhh, Bobz, I don't know..." so I says to her, "Have the real doc call me and he did this evenin' and that was like a joke...

"Ahhhh, Bobz, the report says yer fine"???

"No, doc... I ain't fine... I ain't been fine in pushin' 3 months now... That's why I come to you folks, ain't it"

I had to plead with the guy to send my MRI and records off to UVA where on Wednesday I'm gonna call and try to get an appointment with a Nurosergoen... Heck, I might have to plead with him, too...

Does Dick Cheney go thru this stuff???


All I know is that I've been paying close to $1000 a month for health insurance for years and years, have barely used it and now it seems that the great US health care system couldn't give rat's ass if I'm in pain 24/7 or not... Oh sure they are perfectly willing to shove painkillers in me but fix the problem???


I'm just a tad steamed tonight... Gig season is upon me and I can't even pick up a friggin' geetar...
