The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #406   Message #2291236
Posted By: GUEST,Lucy
17-Mar-08 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: If I Were a Blackbird
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: If I Were a Blackbird
Traditional Version:
If I were a blackbird I'd whistle and sing
And I'd follow the ship that my true love sails in
And on the top rigging I'd there build my nest
And I'd pillow my head on his lily-white breast.

I am a young maiden and my story is sad
For once I was courted by a brave sailor lad.
He courted me truly by night and by day
But now he has left me and gone far away.

Refrain: If I were . . .

He promised to take me to Donnybrook fair
To buy me red ribbons to tie up my hair
And I know that some day he'll come back o'er the tide
And then he will make me his own loving bride.

Refrain: If I were . . .

His parents they chide me and will not agree
That I and my sailor-boy married should be
But let them deride me and say what they will
While there's breath in my body he's the one I'll love still.

Refrain: If I were . . .