The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109489   Message #2291748
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Mar-08 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: Longest ongoing Mudcat
Subject: RE: Longest ongoing Mudcat
Mick, I was going by Gervase saying he came in 1999, which was after Spaw and me, so wondering why he had a lower member number?

As to WyoWoman...she's the one person I knew before Mudcat, in person, in the same town, editor on the paper which carried my column. She didn't come until May 1999. I remember wondering if it was going to put a damper on my style to have her here...would I have to be careful of what I said about Wyoming, etc? (I didn't know her that well in 3D life.) Little did I know it really was not a concern.**bg**

Annamill, Animaterra, PeterT, and all you others, it is GOOD to *read* you!! Dwditty, I had no idea!