The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106479   Message #2292129
Posted By: GUEST,ragtimeric
18-Mar-08 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: what happened to Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
Subject: RE: Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
hi Rick jones here
was resident at poynton with ian S.. for many years before arters lawn. still playing but live in france now. play mainly jazz and rock and bottleneck blues and ragtime, all very much appreciated in france. Hey Ray!!! good to read about you.   Cant throw any light on Ian except I beleive he died. he was a diabetic but always drank like a fish when i knew him. Ray the facts abut the deanwater - I think your memory is fading. we all moved to the deanwater and played as a group there for at least two years(me included!!!), including a very succesful mini festival. Then i went to spain for a month and found myself dislaced by Les martin - Ian's old singing patner before me. Ray do get in touch