The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106479   Message #2292675
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
19-Mar-08 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: what happened to Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
Subject: RE: Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
Hi Rick - good to hear from you strange you should turn up now as Les Renshaw 'phoned me a couple of weeks ago and we had a session in Buxton the other night. (we think its getting on for 30 years since we last played together) Les confirms the fact that Ian died and both he and I had come to the same conclusion as yourself as to why.

I have to dispute your assertions about my memory! What actually happened was that Robin and myself joined Ian in your residence at Poynton whilst you went off to France for a month. Whilst you were away, Ian resigned the residence leaving you with potentially nowhere to play when you returned. Ian arranged the residence at the Deanwater before you got back which lasted a year or so until you decided to get a real job - in Bromyard if I remember correctly. It was only then that Les took over.

Yes I'd like to get in touch - perhaps we could impose on Brian - if you let Brian have you email via his website perhaps he could forward it to me? If you're happy to publish it here I'll get back to you.

Hi Brian - I assume you still have my email address. Thanks for the message from Brian Toberman. He was more of a friend of my wife Jean - we last ran into him in Chapel. Safeway so you can see how long ago that was. Seem to remember that he was also either living in France or that he had a French girlfriend?

Regards to both