The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77817   Message #2293067
Posted By: Slag
19-Mar-08 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: What did Jesus look like?
Subject: RE: BS: What did Jesus look like?
Well, you knew I'd chime in at some point, didn't you? First let me say that some of you are never going to get it that Little Hawk is nothing but a figment of that crazy simian, Chongo. He baits you and you all go for it every time!

So, what did the Apostle Paul really look like? How about Saint John the Divine? Andy Devine? Zachariah? Daniel? Who really cares?

The Isaiah prophecy say that he (the Messiah) would be very ordinary in appearance. In the negative, he wouldn't be head and shoulders above the rest (contrast with the image of King Saul), he wouldn't be handsome and when the mobs were through with him, he wouldn't be recognizable at any rate (Isaiah 53)! If you think about it theologically, you would see that if it was the physical appearance of him that drew the crowds it would be a thing of the flesh, not of the spirit. It was the words of Jesus that both attracted and repelled people.

But! There is some internal evidence of his appearance. When he was seen in public the people hailed him as "Rabbi" that is, as a Jewish religious teacher and as such he must have worn the traditional garb and his hair and facial hair would have looked very much like the Hasidim of today, the orthodox Jews. If you don't want to view him as divine consider the accounts of how he escaped the Pharisees on several occasions. He just turned into the crowd and was lost from view. The perfect spy who looks like everybody and nobody at all.

I'm really tempted to sermonize but I will spare you. Just think about what the ones who nailed him to the cross looked like? I think they looked a lot like you and me.

Lastly for you who don't believe that Jesus was a historical reality; isn't it then all the more amazing how much this one non-existent person change the entire world? It also strikes me as to how the followers of this non-existent person were willing and able to face the most grim and torturous deaths rather than deny him. And among those who laid down their lives were those who claimed to have known him during his time upon the Earth.