The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109522   Message #2293235
Posted By: Gulliver
19-Mar-08 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: Frankie Gavin plays for George Bush
Subject: RE: Frankie Gavin plays for George Bush
Michaelr, there's no need for that kind of language here. If you can't express yourself in acceptable English then go somewhere else.

And check your facts. According to the Irish Independent there were representatives of both sides of the still tense political set-up in the North of Ireland, present, as described here :

US president George Bush will give over half his day to a small, neutral country on the edge of Europe. He will accept a crystal bowl of herbs from the head of this country and meet with other leaders from both sides of its borders.

After that, the entourage heads off to Capitol Hill, where a lunch will be hosted by the speaker of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

Mr Bush and Speaker Pelosi don't get along, so the chemistry between them will be captivating.

But the presence of Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, the North's deputy first minister Martin McGuinness and junior minister Jeffrey Donaldson, means the pair will keep up appearances and smile as they listen to the fiddler Frankie Gavin entertaining the gathering.