The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109567   Message #2293318
Posted By: Folk Form # 1
20-Mar-08 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: The London Mayor Election
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
Am i the only one who sees Livingstone for the danger that he is? He has burdened us with that great white elephant of a three week over bloated sports day that is the Olympics; he has embraced identity politics for the most cynical of reasons - to get people to think of themselves as a group - gay, Irish, muslim - and then encourages that group to dwell on past, present, real or imagined grievences - in order to gather i their votes - and then embraces representatives of those groups, which very often do not represent the views of that community, anyway, being very often too extreme on the left or, if Muslim, too far to the right; treating the capital as if it were a City State, when in reality London relies on ALL its wealth on being the capital of Britain, with out which London would wither away; and finally, inflicting on all of us those bendy buses, which are so dangerous. The cronyism is out of control: he has surrounded himself with extremes of all types: Trotskyites (or however you spell the damn word); fasciest Islamic clerics who want to execute Gays, apostates, and Rushdie; and general crackpots who find an audience with Livingstone but with no-one else. NO NO NO. Do not vote for Livingstone. Vote for Boris. The alternative is deadly.