The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40592   Message #2293365
Posted By: GUEST,RS
20-Mar-08 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Know You Rider
Subject: RE: Origins: I Know You Rider
Just discovered this very interesting thread - I, too, first heard this song via J Renbourn, but the mention of the single original stanza put me in mind of the first verse of Frank Stokes' 'It Won't Be Long Now' (recorded August 1928), to whit:-

One of these mornin's, mama & it won't be long (X2)
Before you miss your good man rollin' in your arms.

Stokes was a big seller in his day, so maybe his lyric was a prior source? Chordally tho, his song follows the usual 3-chord blues format..