The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40592   Message #2293446
Posted By: GUEST,Darowyn
20-Mar-08 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Know You Rider
Subject: RE: Origins: I Know You Rider
I have a version of "See See Rider" by Ma Rainey- a very old version accompanied by what sounds like a New Orleans Street Band from the 1920s or 30s.
The interesting thing about that version is that it has a sixteen bar verse, with a very conventional I,V, V,I music hall song structure, and then goes into a twelve bar blues structure for the chorus.
"See See Rider, See what you have done (twice)
You made me love you, now you done and gone"
It was on a compilation CD called "The Birth of the Blues".
I get the impression that this version pre-dates anything yet mentioned.