The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77817   Message #2293455
Posted By: Donuel
20-Mar-08 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: What did Jesus look like?
Subject: RE: BS: What did Jesus look like?
Ossama Bin Laden released an audio tape yesterday vowing that recent European cartoons showing the face of Mohammed will not go unavenged.

The 13th century of the war between inconoclasts and anti-iconoclasts is still hanging on with the help of the some ol religion of peace Islam.

Religious nuts of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths have at one time or another decreed that picturing the face of dieties is a sin.

Eastern faiths have not run into this kind of intolerent idiocy to my knowledge. In fact they have always relied on the artful hand of man to demonstrate the various aspects of God. They have even depicted the aspect of the unknowable.
Of course to the muslim Taliban the 3,000 year old statues of Budda must be destroyed.

By the Way... the nose of the Great Sphinx was defaced by a muslim fundamentalist and not Napolean cannon fire as historic rumor implied.