The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109611   Message #2293650
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Mar-08 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: what would you rather bee or a wasp?
Subject: RE: BS: what would you rather bee or a wasp?
I think the reason you don't remember all that stuff from the other incarnations, Bill, is because if you did it would play merry hell with your ability to concentrate properly on what you're dealing with right now! ;-)

Now take my case. I have remembered a few bits and pieces of some of the other incarnations, and has it tended to confuse the issues of the here and now from time to time? Yes, I think it has, although that's debatable (it might have helped me in gaining some insight into my present motivations). You see, I might be better off if I could not remember anything from those other times. But I'm not sure if that is so.

At any rate, I'd still rather be wind, waves, and sunlight next time and not be in a human body anymore at all. But perhaps I'll change my mind about that later. ;-)