The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109597   Message #2293713
Posted By: John MacKenzie
20-Mar-08 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: UK betrayed too.
Subject: RE: UK betrayed too.
Gosh what a lot of bile and hatred there is in this thread!
Why do so many idealists live in the past? All busy blaming those that went before, and not one new idea amongst the lot of you.
Yes we've all suffered under various hues of political leaders, and we will do again, we are doing so NOW, and big time too. However none of them were ALL bad, and certainly none of them were ALL good.
What you gain on the swings, you lose on the roundabouts, it can't be all swings, or all roundabouts.
As for all the hot air that has been wasted on fox hunting, well! Why on earth does this silly pastime attract such energy and bile from people? If half that energy was put into something constructive, the world would be a better place.
You may as well save your breath to cool your coffee folks, only unless and until we come up with a better form of government than we have now, will anything change.
More to the point encouraging people to have less children, at least that would reduce the drain on this world's finite resources.
