The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109589   Message #2293850
Posted By: Folk Form # 1
20-Mar-08 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Arthur C. Clarke, Legendary Author
Subject: RE: Obit: Arthur C. Clarke, Legendary Author
Grab, double shame on you. The first shame is for slagging of Rendezvous with Rama. It is not true nothing happens, but it retains an air of mystery. Who the aliens are or the purpose of their mission is never solved, which, I think, but obviously you don't, is a nice touch. The second shame is to read an author who, when the inspiration runs dry and the bills still need paying, decides to callaborate with another, usually unknown, author. The known author provides the rough outline of the plot; the unknown author actually writes the damn thing. The end result: Shit. Serves you right for falling for that one. Oh well, we all have to learn.

Try reading Childshood End, The Sands of Mars, 2001: A Space Odyessy, or any of his collections of short stories. Wonderful stuff. As good as Rendezvous with Rama, if that doesn't put you off.