The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109522   Message #2293917
Posted By: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice
20-Mar-08 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: Frankie Gavin plays for George Bush
Subject: RE: Frankie Gavin plays for George Bush
"you to vehemently condemn the man without knowing his own reasons for playing there, and then, copping out by holding onto your De Dannan records while telling him to fuck off."

exactly! and would you say FUCK HIM/YOU AND THE HORSE HE/YOU RODE IN ON! to Frankie Gavin's face...again, I think not. I wonder how you would have reacted to hearing that the Canadian band The Guess Who played at the White House for Richard Nixon back in the early seventies, I think it was...they were, however asked not to play American Woman.

I'd love to hear Frankie Gavin's side of the story, maybe it's similar to Martin Carthy's situation, you just never know.

Charlotte (the view from Ma and Pa's piano stool)