The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109611   Message #2294150
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Mar-08 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: what would you rather bee or a wasp?
Subject: RE: BS: what would you rather bee or a wasp?
Why would the pilot's belief in reincarnation be dangerous to your surviving your flight, Donuel?

Seems to me that someone who is that tired of life might be just as willing to confront the oblivion of complete non-existence as to prepare for another trip around the karmic wheel and have to go through things like infancy and childhood all over again. ;-)

Remember how frustrating it is to be a little kid and not be in charge of anything whatsoever, including your own hypothetical (but never realized) decisions? I sure do!

I would be quite reluctant to go through that again. I value my sovereignty very highly.