The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109662   Message #2294464
Posted By: Barry Finn
21-Mar-08 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Subject: RE: BS: McCain/Lieberman Vs. Clinton/Obama?
Soon enough when it comes down to the 2 final running mates & their opposition (MaCain & who ever) it won't matter who he has by his side. The fight is with whose gonna be the democratic leader, there will be no republican leader & no republican majority either. I sense that when the smoke clears the nation will, by November, be so sick & choked from what's happened to this country that the republicans may not see the light of day for at least the next 16 years. We have slowly been falling down the lee side of the trash heap for the past 8 yrs & now in last gasp of this administration's 6 months the slow fall is becoming a landslide that won't stop until it rests at the doors of of the DC Shithouse & the cleanup & followup that follows on from what's been a tragic slip since the Rag-on/Bush yrs will take it's toll on the American con-slience. We will all pay dearly but we'll be the better for it all in the end, it's just that the costs weren't needed, it's to bad we can't learn by/from the mistakes of others. Bush may, & rightfully so, die by suicide once he fails from office come the new year. He'll get a clear picture of what his legacy will look like & his spineless backbone will not be able to stand the shock of it all & he will shatter & shit himself (not necessarily in that order) & wander off to rid himself of the world that hates him or rid himself of the world he seems to hate. He's one spiecies that I gladly bid farewell to.
